• Instructions:

      1. This is a Multiple-choice test consisting of  38 questions,  for 50 Marks)

      2. Duration 60 minutes 

      3. This is a closed book - No consultations or references to any study material

      4. Negative points for wrong answers

      Question Types & Evaluation:

       Single Choice: They yield 1 point.

      After the presentation of the question, 2 or more possible answers will be supplied, of which only one will be correct. This will be the one to check. Some single-choice questions may be presented in a negative form (e.g. which one is the only wrong answer?).

      Evaluation: – Correctly checked answer: full point value – Incorrectly checked answer: 0 points – More than one checked answer: 0 points

      Multiple Choice: They yield 1 to 2 points, depending on the difficulty.

      After the presentation of the question, a number of possible answers will be supplied of which 2 or more can be correct. The expected number of answers n is given in the presentation; e.g. Name the three types of diagram suitable for modeling … (n = 3).

      You can score partially even without giving all the expected answers n. When in doubt, it may be better to give fewer answers to avoid the deduction of points (see evaluation below). Multiple-choice questions often call for the identification of the best, most likely, or best-fitting answers from a gray area. Some questions may be presented in a negative form (e.g. which two elicitation techniques are not suitable for …).


      –      for each correctly checked answer within the limit n: 1/n times the full points

      –      for each incorrectly checked answer within the limit n: deduction of 1/n times the full points

      –      less than n answers checked: no consequence

      –      more than n answers checked: total of 0 points

      –      The points for correct choices and the deduction for incorrect choices are totalized per question. If the total for a question results in a negative figure, the question will be evaluated with 0 points.

       True / False Questions: They yield 2 – 3 points, depending on the difficulty.

      After the presentation of the question, n statements will be supplied, each with two checkboxes for "true" and "false" or “applicable” and “not applicable” or "suitable" and "unsuitable", etc. You need to mark each statement as "true" (“applicable”, "suitable") or as "false" (“not applicable”, "unsuitable"). Statements with no check mark will be deemed unanswered. You do not have to give the total number of expected answers n, if in doubt, it may be better to give less answers in order to avoid deduction of points (see evaluation below).


      –      each correctly checked statement: 1/n times the full points

      –      each incorrectly checked statement: deduction of 1/n times the full points

      –      less than n answers checked: no consequence

      –      The points for correct choices and the deduction for incorrect choices are totaled per question. If the total for a question results in a negative figure, the question will be evaluated with 0 points.


      Match the following Questions: They yield 2 – 3 points, depending on the difficulty.

      After the presentation of the question, a table with n pairs of statements will be supplied. You need to mention the correct match for the details in the left column by specifying the choice in the right column in the blank space provided. Rows with blank entries will be deemed unanswered. You do not have to give the total number of expected answers n, if in doubt, it may be better to give less answers in order to avoid deduction of points (see evaluation below).


      –      each correctly identified match: 1/n times the full points

      –      each incorrectly identified match: deduction of 1/n times the full points

      –      less than n answers checked: no consequence

      –      The points for correct choices and the deduction for incorrect choices are totaled per question. If the total for a question results in a negative figure, the question will be evaluated with 0 points.

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SPM Foundation Bangalore 08 - 16 April 2024  is a public training offering design as per ISPMA Foundation Curriculum. 

Foundation program for Berkeley University Chpater